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How to Add Live Chat to the WordPress Admin

How to Add Live Chat to the WordPress Admin

Our White Label WordPress plugin lets you add a live chat widget to the admin. In fact, you can use our plugin to add any kind of JavaScript or JavaScript-powered widget to WordPress. This feature is available in both our free version of White Label and our premium White Label Pro release. Our users find this feature incredibly useful. Live chat widgets allow their clients to contact them directly when they need support.

Let’s get started. First, you’ll need to install and activate either version of White Label. We have documentation here on the site to help you install White Label or install White Label Pro if you need help. When the installation is complete, you want to head to the Admin tab of White Label’s settings. This is the tab that contains the input to include your own JavaScript in the WordPress admin.

Add Live Chat to the WordPress Admin

On the Admin tab, scroll and look for the Scripts section. This is where you can copy and paste any piece of JavaScript that you would like. In the case of a live chat widget, most providers of this service will provide you with a small code snippet to put in this field.

Screenshot of White Label's Admin Scripts Feature

Save your settings and the live chat widget, or whatever JavaScript you are including, will be active on your WordPress installation.

Being able to add live chat to the WordPress admin is a great way to provide better support to your clients. Email is often too slow, and live chat widgets typically integrate with Slack or Microsoft Teams. This means your staff can communicate with clients, right inside the WordPress admin, in real-time.

More WordPress Admin Customization Options

White Label has dozens of features you can use to customize the WordPress admin experience. You can read more about all of our plugin’s features by visiting our documentation. Find out all the ways you can white label your WordPress sites with our plugin.

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