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Learn how to use and get the most out of the features in the White Label WordPress plugin.

How to Add a Custom WordPress Login Logo

Add a custom WordPress login logo to your site to help modify your WordPress installation to match your personal or client's branding.

What Are White Label Administrators?

White Label Administrators are the WordPress users who need unrestricted and exclusive access to all of a site's WordPress settings.

How to Hide WordPress Update Nags

Hide WordPress update nags from your WordPress admin users to stop them from updating your installation without your knowledge.

How to Create a Custom WordPress Admin Dashboard

Create a custom WordPress admin dashboard for your clients to give them a unique experience when first logging on to their site.

Is White Label Multisite Compatible?

Find out how the WordPress White Label plugin deals with multisite installations.

How to Create a WordPress Admin Color Scheme

Create a custom WordPress admin color scheme to match your client's marketing and branding. Make the WordPress admin more visually unique.

How to Change the WordPress Login Background

Change the WordPress login background image and color. Match the login to your client's branding with the White Label plugin

How to Add WordPress Login CSS

Add WordPress login css to change the login screen's presentation. Easily include new CSS to your WordPress login screen with White Label.

How to Remove WordPress Dashboard Widgets

Remove WordPress dashboard widgets with the White Label plugin. White Label Pro lets you remove dashboard widgets individually.

How to Rename WordPress Admin Menus

Rename WordPress admin menus with the White Label Pro plugin. White Label Pro lets you rename WordPress admin menus individually.

How to Hide WordPress Admin Menus

Hide WordPress admin menus with the White Label Pro plugin. White Label Pro lets you hide WordPress admin menus individually.

How to Replace Howdy WordPress Text

Discover how to replace the "Howdy" WordPress text in the admin bar. Make the greeting anything you want with the White Label plugin.

How to Remove the WordPress Logo

Learn how to remove the WordPress logo from the admin bar. Remove WordPress branding from your admin to avoid client confusion.

How to Change Footer in WordPress

Learn how to change the footer in WordPress. Change the text at the bottom of the WordPress admin with the White Label plugin.

How to Replace the WordPress Logo

Learn how to replace the WordPress logo from the admin bar. Replace WordPress branding from your admin to avoid client confusion.

How to Create a WordPress Login Redirect

Learn how to create a WordPress login redirect. Send users to a custom URL after they log in to your WordPress site.

How to Create a Custom WordPress Welcome Panel

Learn how to create a custom WordPress welcome panel on the dashboard. Show users a custom welcome message when they log in to the admin.

How to Change WordPress Plugin Details

Learn how to change WordPress plugin details inside of the admin. Change or completely remove text for any plugin shown on the Plugins screen.

How to Add Live Chat to the WordPress Admin

Learn how to add live chat to the WordPress admin so your clients can contact you directly and immediately when they need help.

How to Remove the WordPress Screen Options Button

Learn how to remove the WordPress screen options button from the admin interface using the White Label Pro plugin.

How to Remove the WordPress Help Button

Learn how to remove the WordPress help button from the admin interface using the White Label Pro plugin.

How to Remove WordPress Admin Notifications

Learn how to remove WordPress admin notifications so your users are unable to see update requests and upsells from plugins and themes.

How to Change WordPress Login Page Colors

Learn how to change the WordPress login page colors to better match your agencies or your clients branding.

How to Change WordPress Default Email Settings

Learn how to change WordPress default email settings. Adjust the from name and the from address for emails WordPress sends out to users.

How to Turn Off the WordPress Admin Email Verification Screen

Learn how to turn off the WordPress admin email verification screen. This feature, while useful, is also confusing to non-technical users.

How to Import and Export White Label Settings

Import and export White Label settings quickly by using the plugin's built-in system. Settings are saved in JSON files for use on any site.

How to Change the WordPress Login Logo Link

Discover the best way to change the WordPress login logo link on your client websites. Replace the default link with another website address.

How to Hide WordPress Plugins Inside the Admin

Hide plugins from users inside of the WordPress admin to stop them from running updates, seeing descriptions, and following developer links.

How to Align Your WordPress Login Template

Align your WordPress login template to the left, right, or center using our simple White Label plugin for WordPress.

How to Remove the WordPress Admin Bar from the Front End

Remove the WordPress admin bar from the front end of your site to make the interface less confusing for your clients with White Label Pro.

How to Hide the WordPress Version Number

Learn how you can use the White Label WordPress plugin to hide the WordPress version number from the front and back of your site.

How to Change a WordPress Admin Menu Icon

Learn how you can change a WordPress admin menu icon with one of 300+ Dashicons using the White Label Pro plugin for WordPress.

How to Resize the WordPress Admin Menu

Learn how to resize the WordPress admin menu. Make menu items with long text fit into the admin's design better.

How to Add a Widget to the WordPress Dashboard

Learn how to use the White Label WordPress plugin to add a widget to the WordPress dashboard. Add information for clients to see after login.

How to Replace the WordPress Dashboard

Unhappy with the default WordPress admin dashboard? You can replace the WordPress dashboard entirely with the White Label plugin.

How to Add CSS to the WordPress Admin

Learn how you can add your own CSS to the WordPress admin. Adjust any of the styles assigned to admin elements with White Label Pro.

How to Remove the WordPress Language Switcher

Do you want to remove the WordPress language switcher from your site's login? Learn how our White Label WordPress plugin can help.

How to Remove the WordPress Remember Me Checkbox

You can remove the WordPress Remember Me checkbox from your login page and easily disable the feature using the White Label WordPress plugin.

How to Remove the WordPress Go to Site Link

Learn how to remove the WordPress Go To Site link that appears on the login page. This is possible using our White Label WordPress plugin.

How to Remove the WordPress Lost Your Password Link

Discover how you can quickly and easily remove the WordPress Lost Your Password link from your site's login page with our White Label plugin.

How to Hide a WordPress Theme

Learn the fastest and easiest way to hide a WordPress theme inside the admin by using our White Label plugin.

How to Rename a WordPress Theme

Find out the simplest and fastest way to rename a WordPress theme inside the WordPress admin by using our White Label Pro plugin.

How to Change a WordPress Theme Screenshot

Have you ever wanted to change a WordPress theme screenshot in the admin? With White Label Pro, it's easy and quick to do.

How to Remove the WordPress Activate Theme Button

Find out how you can quickly and easily remove the WordPress activate theme button from the WordPress admin with our White Label Pro plugin.

How to Remove the WordPress Customize Theme Button

Discover how you can quickly remove the WordPress customize theme button from the admin using our White Label Pro plugin.

How to Remove the WordPress Live Preview Theme Button

You can remove the WordPress Live Preview theme button from the WordPress admin with our White Label Pro plugin. It only takes a few seconds.

How to Remove the WordPress Theme Update Available Button

You can use our White Label Pro plugin to remove the WordPress theme update available button from your WordPress admin's Themes page.

How to Remove the WordPress Delete Theme Button

Find out how you can remove the WordPress delete theme button from the admin using our White Label Pro plugin.

How to Remove the WordPress Add New Theme Button

Looking for a way to remove the WordPress add new theme button? Our White Label Pro can hide that button for you with a single click.

How to Remove the WordPress Upload Theme Button

Do you want to remove the WordPress upload theme button from client sites? Our White Label Pro plugin has the quick solution for you.

How to Remove the WordPress Install Theme Button

Learn how our White Label Pro plugin can help you remove the WordPress install theme button from the admin in a few seconds of work.

How to Remove WordPress Theme Details

Tired of your users accessing Theme Details? Use our White Label Pro plugin to remove WordPress Theme Details from the admin instantly.

How to Remove the WordPress Logo Link

Find out how to remove the WordPress logo link from the menu bar of the admin. It only takes a second with our White Label WordPress plugin.

How to Replace the WordPress Logo Link

Find out how our White Label WordPress plugin can help you replace the WordPress logo link in the admin. Direct users to any URL you want.

How to Hide the Elementor Logo

Learn how you can use our White Label WordPress plugin to hide the Elementor logo inside of your WordPress admin.

How to Replace the Elementor Loading Logo

You can replace the Elementor loading logo using the White Label plugin for WordPress. Replace Elementor branding with your own.

How to Change Elementor Editor Colors

Find out how to use the White Label WordPress plugin to change the colors of the Elementor editor. Match the editor's branding to your own.

How to Hide Elementor Post State Text

Learn how our White Label WordPress plugin can help you hide Elementor post state text inside the admin's list of pages.

How to Replace Elementor Post State Text

Learn how you can replace Elementor post state text with your own using the White Label WordPress plugin. Rebrand Elementor with this feature.

How to Replace “Edit with Elementor” Text

Learn how you can use the White Label WordPress plugin to replace the "Edit with Elementor" text on buttons and links in the admin.

How to Hide Elementor Editor Navigation

Find out the best way to hide Elementor editor navigation items using our White Label WordPress plugin. Customize the experience for clients.

How to Hide Elementor Pro Upgrade Nags

Find out the quickest way to hide Elementor Pro upgrade nags from your WordPress admin users with our White Label plugin.

How to Hide Elementor Pro Widgets

Learn how our White Label WordPress plugin can hide Elementor Pro widgets from your admin users. Easily white label Elementor's free version.

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