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How to Remove the WordPress Go to Site Link

How to Remove the WordPress Go to Site Link

Every WordPress site has a standard login page layout. Included in that design is a link that takes anyone back to the front page of the site. This Go to Site link can not be removed using a base WordPress installation. You’ll need a plugin to handle this process. Thankfully, our White Label WordPress plugin includes a feature to help you remove the WordPress Go To Site link from your login page.

Install and activate our White Label plugin to begin. Once you have the plugin up and running you’ll want to go to its settings screen. On the settings screen, find the Login tab which is where White Label has all of its login page-related features. We’re going to be focusing on the Go to Site link for this article but there are plenty of other things you can do to customize the WordPress login page from this screen.

Scroll down to the Go to Site option and check the box to turn off the link on your login page.

Screenshot of White Label's Remove the WordPress Go to Site Link Feature

After checking the box, click the Save Settings button to complete the process. Immediately, without any other action, the WordPress Go to Site link will be disabled. Changed your mind? Uncheck the box, save it again, and the link will return automatically.

Additional WordPress Login Customizations with White Label

White Label offers an array of additional features for the WordPress login page. Our plugin allows you to personalize your login page with custom logos, background images, and color schemes. It also gives you the flexibility to remove various elements such as the Remember Me checkbox, the Lost Your Password link, and many more. For a comprehensive understanding of all the features that White Label offers, we recommend perusing our WordPress login documentation.

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