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Learn how the White Label WordPress plugin can help you make changes to your login screen.

How to Add a Custom WordPress Login Logo

Add a custom WordPress login logo to your site to help modify your WordPress installation to match your personal or client's branding.

How to Change the WordPress Login Background

Change the WordPress login background image and color. Match the login to your client's branding with the White Label plugin

How to Add WordPress Login CSS

Add WordPress login css to change the login screen's presentation. Easily include new CSS to your WordPress login screen with White Label.

How to Create a WordPress Login Redirect

Learn how to create a WordPress login redirect. Send users to a custom URL after they log in to your WordPress site.

How to Change WordPress Login Page Colors

Learn how to change the WordPress login page colors to better match your agencies or your clients branding.

How to Change the WordPress Login Logo Link

Discover the best way to change the WordPress login logo link on your client websites. Replace the default link with another website address.

How to Align Your WordPress Login Template

Align your WordPress login template to the left, right, or center using our simple White Label plugin for WordPress.

How to Remove the WordPress Remember Me Checkbox

You can remove the WordPress Remember Me checkbox from your login page and easily disable the feature using the White Label WordPress plugin.

How to Remove the WordPress Language Switcher

Do you want to remove the WordPress language switcher from your site's login? Learn how our White Label WordPress plugin can help.

How to Remove the WordPress Go to Site Link

Learn how to remove the WordPress Go To Site link that appears on the login page. This is possible using our White Label WordPress plugin.

How to Remove the WordPress Lost Your Password Link

Discover how you can quickly and easily remove the WordPress Lost Your Password link from your site's login page with our White Label plugin.

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