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How to Replace the WordPress Dashboard

How to Replace the WordPress Dashboard

Our White Label WordPress comes with a handful of features to help you customize the WordPress admin dashboard display. The most popular feature is the ability to completely replace the WordPress dashboard with custom content. In this guide, we’ll go over the handful of steps necessary to replace the dashboard with your own custom content.

You will need to install White Label to start. The plugin is available from for absolutely free. You can also install and activate it automatically from the Plugins screen in the WordPress admin. Once that is done, head on over to the White Label area of the Settings in WordPress to begin.

Create a Custom Dashboard

In White Label’s settings, navigate to the Dashboard section. Scroll down to find the area devoted to building a custom dashboard:

Screenshot of Custom Dashboard Feature in White Label

As you can see, this is broken down into two parts:

  • Enable Custom Dashboard
  • Custom Dashboard Content

You’ll need to check the box for Enable Custom Dashboard to make your content replace the default dashboard. The Custom Dashboard Content can be used to add any content you want. Since it is powered by the WordPress WYSIWYG editor the options are nearly limitless. You can add custom HTML and your own media very easily. Embed widgets from third-party services or write your own custom CSS.

When you are finished, press the Save Settings button at the bottom of the screen. As long as you check the Enable Custom Dashboard box, your new dashboard will replace the default one right away.

Here’s an example of a widget you can build with this method:

Custom WordPress dashboard

More WordPress White Label Options

White Label works with more than just the WordPress dashboard. It has plenty of unique ways for you to customize and rebrand WordPress for clients. We always stress that a simpler WordPress experience for clients leads to an easier time supporting it for developers. Take a look at the complete feature list to see what else White Label has to offer.

In addition to the free plugin, we offer White Label Pro with even more features and capabilities. For dashboards, specifically, White Label Pro lets you use Elementor Templates to build even more customized dashboards.

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