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How to Remove WordPress Admin Notifications

How to Remove WordPress Admin Notifications

Annoying admin notifications are one of the worst newer trends from third-party WordPress developers. Both plugin makers and theme builders have gotten into the habit of loading up the top of every screen in the WordPress admin with alerts and upsells. Here’s an example of some WordPress admin notifications you can get on a simple installation with only a handful of popular third-party plugins:

Remove WordPress Admin Notifications - Before

What an absolute mess that is. Many freelance developers and agencies do not want their clients to be able to see these WordPress admin notifications. They are intrusive and many contain off-site links that you might not want users to have obvious access to.

The paid version of our plugin, White Label Pro, includes a simple one-click feature to remove these bothersome WordPress admin notifications from ever again getting in your user’s way. Let’s take a look at how it works.

Disable WordPress Admin Notifications

First, you’ll need to purchase a license for White Label Pro. Afterward, you will have to install and activate the plugin on your WordPress site. We have documentation with instructions on how to install White Label Pro if you need help. When that is done, it’s time to check out White Label Pro’s settings. Find the Miscellaneous tab, which is where the Notifications features are located.

Under the Notifications section, you’ll see a checkbox to Remove Notifications:

Screenshot of White Label's Remove Admin Notifications Feature

All you need to do is check that box and save your settings. Immediately, admin users who log in will no longer see any of those annoying WordPress admin notifications on any screen. So, our example from above turns into this:

Remove WordPress Admin Notifications - After

This change only applies to users you have not flagged as White Label administrators. So, if you want certain users to still see these notifications, you can set that up inside of White Label easily.

Learn More About Our White Label WordPress Plugin

White Label is a comprehensive solution for customizing and rebranding the WordPress admin experience. You can use our plugin to hide and rename multiple areas of the admin. Hide plugins, change plugin details, and even create custom dashboard elements for your users. White Label also includes the ability to match the WordPress color scheme and logins to the branding of your clients. Visit our documentation to learn about everything White Label has to offer.

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