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Learn how the White Label WordPress plugin can help you make changes to your WordPress menus.

How to Rename WordPress Admin Menus

Rename WordPress admin menus with the White Label Pro plugin. White Label Pro lets you rename WordPress admin menus individually.

How to Hide WordPress Admin Menus

Hide WordPress admin menus with the White Label Pro plugin. White Label Pro lets you hide WordPress admin menus individually.

How to Remove the WordPress Admin Bar from the Front End

Remove the WordPress admin bar from the front end of your site to make the interface less confusing for your clients with White Label Pro.

How to Change a WordPress Admin Menu Icon

Learn how you can change a WordPress admin menu icon with one of 300+ Dashicons using the White Label Pro plugin for WordPress.

How to Resize the WordPress Admin Menu

Learn how to resize the WordPress admin menu. Make menu items with long text fit into the admin's design better.

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